Acupuncture, a traditional Chinese medical practice, involves the use of ultra-thin sterile needles. It's a painless and highly calming experience. The core principles aim to boost Qi (the body’s vital energy), leading to increased blood flow, nerve activity, and the release of blood cells and biochemicals.
Our first appointments are extended to ensure we gather a detailed case and health history, conduct a thorough examination (if appropriate), make a diagnosis using both traditional Chinese medicine and modern medical insights. Your first session will also include a treatment, involving the use of fine sterile acupuncture needles, with the possible addition of other suitable techniques like cupping and gua sha.
Explore the world of acupuncture—a time-tested healing art with over 2,500 years of history, originating in China and now embraced globally. In the UK, acupuncture is gaining popularity for its transformative impact on well-being.
Acupuncture, seamlessly integrated into mainstream Chinese healthcare, coexists with Western medicine. Its core concept involves meridians carrying vital energy (Qi) throughout the body, addressing imbalances that lead to pain or illness.
Acupuncturists excel in diagnosing unique patterns of disharmony, offering personalised treatments. The practice attracts individuals seeking relief from specific symptoms, preventive care, or an overall well-being boost.
Notably, in 2009, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence recommended acupuncture as a cost-effective short-term treatment for lower back pain, solidifying its credibility.
Our centre enjoys positive collaboration with local GPs, who consistently refer patients seeking the enriching benefits of acupuncture.
"Visiting this clinic for couple of months to sort out my injury. Absolutely wonderful place. Highly qualified specialists. My personal choice is Bella who does acupuncture. I feel so much better and stronger."
"First class. Very covert compliant. Tammy sorted out my shoulder and back within a couple of visits. I would recommend without hesitation."
"My daughter has been coming to the Jade Pathway Centre for about 6 months now and the support and help she has received is fantastic. Her confidence and happiness has grown in equal measure and I am so grateful for the professional and compassionate treatment offered here."
Prices may vary for different practitioners. The below prices shown are maximum charge.
Your initial consultation will include an in depth review and then your treatment.
We will review your previous appointments and results and work to target problem areas.
Treatment, instruction, and 7 day supply of moxa.
We offer a comprehensive approach to traditional acupuncture, which includes dry needling and medical acupuncture. Traditional acupuncture not only targets muscles but also addresses a range of conditions, such as digestion and mental health. Guided by the principles of balancing Yin, Yang, Qi, Blood, and Jing, Chinese acupuncture adopts a holistic approach to rejuvenate the body's innate healing response.
In addition to pain relief, traditional acupuncture treats the entire person by incorporating channel points and trigger points, promoting overall health. This approach has gained recognition from the World Health Organisation for its effectiveness in benefiting over 80 different conditions.
Cosmetic acupuncture, also known as facial rejuvenation acupuncture, is a natural and non-invasive procedure designed to enhance skin health and appearance. During this treatment, thin needles are strategically inserted into specific facial points, promoting improved circulation, collagen production, and overall skin vitality. The objective is to boost skin elasticity, diminish the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles, and achieve a more youthful complexion.